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How much lip filler do I need?

Dermal fillers for the lips are hugely popular as a treatment, here at KL Cosmetic Clinics in Doncaster and one of the questions we are asked all the time is “how much lip filler will I need?”. Many clinics will cost their treatments by the ml (0.5ml, 1ml for example), but realistically, as every patient is different, we find it quite tough to do this and give the results that our patients are truly looking for.

What are dermal fillers for the lips?

Dermal fillers are injectable gel-like products, containing hyaluronic acid (HA) which produce
temporary results, lasting around 6 months on average for the lips. HA is a substance that occurs naturally within the body. It cushions and hydrates these tissues, and is generally found in the eyes, joints, connective tissues and the skin. As we age, we start to lose HA (this process can be accelerated by lifestyle choices such as smoking excessive sun exposure). By injecting the lips with HA dermal fillers, we can replenish the lost HA, plump out any lines and wrinkles and increase the production of collagen within the skin tissues.

How much lip filler will I need?

If we look at the law of averages with dermal filler treatments for the lips, most patients require around 1ml at least, in order to create a noticeable difference. Some people however, are worried initially that they might look ‘over-filled’ (especially if this is their first ever treatment), so in these cases, we may opt for 0.5ml to begin with to be conservative in our approach, after all, one can add but one cannot take away, unless we are dissolving an entire treatment. In many of these initial cases, we can expect to be seeing the patient return to the clinic for more product, as once the initial worry that they will have a ‘trout pout’ has passed (we never opt for this look as medically trained, responsible practitioners here at KL Cosmetic Clinics), and the patient sees that we always opt for a natural-looking result with our dermal filler lip treatments, they usually feel confident enough to have a little more product added, to enhance the look, further. With this in mind, it’s worth knowing that additional or ‘tweaking’ treatments will need to take place, 2 weeks after the initial lip filler procedure, so that the product can settle and your lips can recover from the first session.

Before any treatment with dermal fillers can take place, here at KL Cosmetic Clinics, we will always carry out a pre-treatment consultation, to examine your lips and facial structure and anatomy, discuss the results you are looking for and explain about the treatment in detail. It is at this initial meeting that we can determine how much filler that we think you will need, and price this accordingly. In some cases however, we might find that as we proceed with the treatment, your lips respond in a way that requires slightly more (or less) product than we estimate, especially if you are someone who swells easily. We will talk you through every step and at every stage will allow you to see how we are progressing and advise you on what we feel will give the very best results.

So as you can see, that dermal fillers for the lips is not a one-size-fits-all treatment. Everyone is unique and we treat all our patients as such, here at KL Cosmetic Clinics. We will work with you in order to give you the safest treatment and the beautiful youth-giving results that you are seeking, in a professional manner, at all times.

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