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Women’s wellness: Vaginal rejuvenation is no longer taboo!

In these times, women who have concerns regarding vaginal laxity or discomfort should not suffer in silence.

Modern technology and a new approach to this subject means that it is no longer taboo to want to treat the vaginal area, which may have changed, due to the natural ageing process or childbirth.

At KL Cosmetic Clinics, we offer a revolutionary, non-invasive and comfortable treatment for vaginal rejuvenation, for women who are hoping to feel more confident and revitalise their intimate lives as well as to feel more physically comfortable. This treatment uses FormaV, by InMode.

What is FormaV by InMode?

FormaV is a vaginal rejuvenation device which is non-invasive, clinically-proven to improve vaginal and labial elasticity, sensitivity and dryness, caused by the natural ageing process or low blood flow. When intercourse becomes painful or you are experiencing other symptoms of discomfort, or if you simply aren’t happy with the look or feel of your private area perhaps following childbirth, FormaV vaginal rejuvenation helps to tighten the vaginal canal and promotes collagen restructuring via thermal radiofrequency remodelling.

The FormaV device is inserted into the vagina and heats the internal tissues which in-turn helps to correct vulvar laxity and labial hypertrophy. The radiofrequency heating from the FormaV device, helps to encourage the body to produce new collagen in the vaginal tissues, tightening and improving the aesthetics of the vaginal area. However this is not a painful treatment and will not affect surrounding tissues or muscle growth in this intimate area.

Am I suitable for a FormaV treatment?

As FormaV is completely non-invasive, most patients who are experiencing vaginal laxity will benefit either one, or a course of a FormaV treatment.

Many women who have had children will understand how the intimate area can be affected and can find it embarrassing or uncomfortable. Even wearing tight clothing or partaking in physical exercise can be painful. Intimacy with a partner can be troubling or even painful.

Those patients who are noticing changes through the natural ageing process can also benefit from this treatment.

A sense of confidence and wellbeing can be restored in as little as one session. However, prior to a FormaV procedure being carried out, here at KL Cosmetic Clinics, we will request to conduct a no obligation consultation and examination and will need to check your medical history to ensure you are safe and suitable to have this treatment.

What happens during a FormaV treatment?

When you arrive at KL Cosmetic Clinics for your FormaV treatment, you will be asked to complete some standard consent forms. After which, the treatment process is very straight forward.

You can lie back and relax on one of our treatment couches whist the FormaV device is gently inserted in to your vagina. There will be a sensation of gentle heating but this is completely tolerable and not painful. The treatment session should not take more than 30 minutes and you will be able to return to your daily activities immediately afterwards with no need for downtime or recovery time at home.

How many sessions of FormaV will I need?

Every patient is unique and at KL Cosmetic Clinic, we assess your individual requirements and concerns before a FormaV treatment is agreed, so that we can estimate how many treatment sessions you might require.

Many patients however, report excellent results after just one or two sessions. Once you have undergone the recommended number of treatments, a maintenance treatment might be required, especially in cases of natural ageing, after 12 months of the initial course.

When will I see the results of my FormaV treatment?

You should feel some degree of tightening in the hours following your treatment and this will only improve as the weeks progress as the natural healing properties of the body will restore lost collagen and tighten the skin. A full treatment programme will be discussed with you at your pre-treatment consultation and we will be able to estimate when you can expect to see the final results.

How long do the results last?

The results from a FormaV treatment can be permanent, however, they will not prevent future skin ageing or virginal laxity caused by the ageing process or further childbirth. Annual or bi-annual top up treatments however, can maintain your results, long-term.

It’s now no longer necessary to have to undergo invasive and painful surgery to rejuvenate the intimate vaginal area. Where once you may have had to have a general anaesthetic, a surgical procedure and to experience weeks, if not months of recovery time, today’s revolutionary technology in devices such as FormaV by InMode means that in as little as 30 minutes, you can restore and revitalise your intimate area without pain, stitches or time spent at home to recover.

Vaginal rejuvenation and women’s wellness in Doncaster at KL Cosmetic Clinics

For more advice, information or a discreet consultation, contact our friendly all-female team at KL Cosmetic Clinics today. We look forward to hearing from you.

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