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The KL Guide to medical weight loss injections

If you have tried to diet with no support and little in the way of medical help, you’ll know that for many of us, this can seem like an endless uphill struggle. Fad or starvation diets simply do not work in the long-term and can make us feel low, demoralised and frustrated. These short-term fix diets can lead to that classic ‘yo-yo’ situation and in the long run, this simply isn’t a healthy or happy way to be. At KL Clinics, we have recently become CQC registered, and are able to offer clinically-proven, long-term solutions, for those who are classified as obese, to fight the battle to lose significant amounts of weight, and win!

Amongst our range of weight loss plans, is a treatment called medical weight loss injections (or the National Weight Loss Plan (NWLP)). You may have heard of these injections in the form of Ozempic (Semaglutide), Saxenda, Skinny Pen, Skinny Revolution and Skinny Jab.

Semaglutide and Saxenda are an antidiabetic medication, used for the treatment of type 2 diabetes as well as long-term weight management. They act like human glucagon-like peptide 1 (GLP-1), as it increases insulin secretion, thereby increasing sugar metabolism. One of the advantages of Saxenda and Ozempic are that they only need to be administered once weekly, in the form of a special injection pen, at home. So it’s a simple process.

If you are someone who has struggled with losing weight, are over 18 and who has a BMI of over 27, who may be on the verge, or already suffers with diabetes and wish to improve your health, look and feel better and live a more healthy lifestyle, the NWLP could be the answer. However, it’s important to understand that before any treatment can be agreed, here at KL Cosmetic Clinics, we will need to see you for a pre-treatment consultation, so we can discuss the process, possible side effects and expectations for results, as well as check your medical history, to ensure that weight loss injections will be safe and suitable for you.

Losing weight alone can be a really lonely and isolating experience. At KL Cosmetic Clinics, we offer ongoing support, advice on nutrition and a voice at the other end of the phone, so if you ever feel like speaking with us, simply to ask a question or to discuss how things are going, we are here. We will also be monitoring your progress closely, as there may be times during the treatment, where we may need to alter the dose of injections, to suit your individual needs.

So….what can you expect on the NWLP?

After the initial injection, many of our patients claim that they stop feeling so hungry, after around 3 to 4 hours. Some say that they struggle to eat at all! In these cases, we recommend taking supplements and drinking smoothies and shakes, to help the body to absorb all the nutrients needed to stay healthy.

Expect to lose around a stone, every 4 to 6 weeks. However, everyone is different and it’s really important to maintain a healthy diet and exercise regime, as well as realistic expectations. Some people may find the weight comes off quickly and for others it can take longer. It will be your staying power and determination that will help you to stick to the plan and be more successful in your quest to be slimmer and healthier in the longer term.

When I reach my ideal weight, how can I maintain it?

This all depends on your individual response to treatment, your willpower and lifestyle. For some of our patients, they prefer to stay on the medication permanently, as this can be the only way they will maintain their healthy weight and psychologically, supportive. For others, they may switch periodically, between no medication and taking medication. Others find that the new healthy lifestyle they are experience is enough to keep them on the road to better health and a slender figure. At any time you can contact us for a follow up consultation, to discuss how you are coping, whether you are maintaining your ideal weight and how you would like to proceed in the longer term.

Are the injections painful?

Most of our patients state that the injections are painless, as they are administered from a special pen. There is no need for a topical anaesthetic and over time, self-administering your medication will become a weekly routine, like a face mask or a manicure.

What are the side-effects from medical weight loss injections?

As with any medication, some of our patients can feel certain side-effects, in varying degrees. These can include:-

  • Nausea – this can be managed with an ‘induction’ period for your medication
  • Headaches – drinking plenty of water and taking paracetamol can help
  • Short term side-effects such as tummy ache, dizziness, fatigue, low blood sugar, vomiting, diarrhoea and increased heart rate can be experienced. It is important to flag these up with us here at KL Cosmetic Clinics, so we can monitor you and assist you through any short term side-effects.

What are the health benefits of losing weight, with the National Weight Loss Plan?

As with any weight loss plan that involves steady, healthy and well monitored weight loss, there are endless health benefits, as you can imagine. They can include:-

  • A reduction in the risk of type 2 diabetes.
  • Improvement in osteoarthritic pain
  • Improvements in the severity of obstructive sleep apnoea
  • An improvement in blood pressure and blood lipid profile
  • Improvements in overall wellbeing and health-related quality of life
  • A reduction in cardiovascular risk factors
  • Improvements in self-esteem and confidence

Are there any contraindications to the NWLP?

As with all medical treatments, there can be contraindications which can restrict or prevent a specific medication from being administered. In the case of medical weight loss injections, some of the contraindications include:-

  • Pregnancy or breastfeeding
  • Plans to become pregnant
  • Allergic reaction to the medicine
  • Multiple Endocrine Neoplasia Syndrome
  • A family history of medullary thyroid cancer or other thyroid carcinomas
  • Any patient who is under 18 or over 75

This is why it’s so important that you attend a no obligation consultation with us, before deciding on medical weight loss injections, so we can make sure that the treatment will be safe for you to undergo.

Do I have to starve myself on the NWLP?

No, we don’t recommend this at all. We will recommend a nutritious, calorie controlled diet, full of fresh fruit, vegetables, good protein and healthy carbohydrate. Losing weight should feel good and part of this is being able to eat well, but eat the right types of food. Your body will start to love you for it and you will start to see and feel the benefits, almost straight away. Over time, this will just get better.

When will I see the results?

Most of our patients experience significant weight loss, in excess of a stone within 4 to 6 weeks, but everyone is different. We will monitor your progress regularly and help you achieve your goal, in a suitable and healthy time frame. This will all go towards that long-term lifestyle and physique you are aiming for. Remember, this is not a quick fix, but the start of a journey to a slimmer and healthier you.

Weight loss shouldn’t be something to be ‘suffered’. It shouldn’t mean feeling down or despondent. Wanting to lose weight is your inner strength emerging, the desire to look and feel better and at KL Cosmetic Clinics, we will support you in every way, to achieve your goals and maintain your ideal weight, for good.

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