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Lip Flip

Pricing from £50

Our Lip Flip treatment helps to create the appearance of a plump,
more voluminous lip.

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Procedure time

15 minutes



Recovery time


Duration of results

2 – 3 months

Within minimal downtime for quickly noticeable results, our lip flip treatment adds volume to your lips for a more youthful and volumised pout without the use of dermal fillers.

Achieve a rejuvenated lip shape with Lip Flip treatment from KL Cosmetic Clinic, ideal for individuals looking for fuller lips, without additional volume.

What is a Lip Flip?

A Lip Flip is a treatment involving multiple injections into various regions of the lip to relax the muscle, causing the lip to roll upwards (or downwards) slightly to give the appearance of a more defined and voluminous pout.

Unlike dermal fillers, this muscle relaxation increases the exposed lip tissue, rather than adding volume to it, allowing for a more temporary solution which can be topped up when required.

Lip Flip Injections Pricing
Lip Flip£50 alone / £30 with additional area

Should I get a Lip Flip
or Lip Filler?

Deciding between a Lip Flip treatment and a Lip Filler treatment depends on your desired results, and what may be an appropriate treatment for one patient, may not be for another.

Unlike Lip Enhancement which uses dermal fillers to add volume to the lips to accentuate their appearance, a Lip Flip creates a more prominent pout by relaxing the muscle around the lip area so more of the lip tissue to exposed. Along with this, a Lip Flip treatment is more suitable for patients looking for temporary results, with the effects of a Lip Flip lasting 2 – 3 months. For those wanting a more permanent solution, Lip Enhancement requires less frequent upkeep, with results lasting 6 – 12 months.

Here at KL Cosmetic Clinic, we conduct thorough consultations before all our treatments so we can discuss the right procedure for you and advise you should be believe an alternative may be more suited to your desired results.

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What happens during a Lip Flip treatment?

A Lip Flip treatment, like any other treatment at KL Cosmetic Clinic, will begin with a thorough consultation to determine if the treatment is the right option for you. During the consultation, we will assess your unique lip shape and volume and discuss what kind of results you are looking for and if the procedure will be safe for you to undergo.

Once mutually agreed a Lip Flip is the right choice, your treatment may take place the same day, taking potentially as little as 15 minutes. During this process, your aesthetician will administer a series of injections in various areas on the top and bottom lip. Once complete, we will send you away will all the aftercare information you need and you will be able to expect to see your final results within 2 weeks.

Frequently asked questions

When will I see the results?

Results may be noticeable within days but it often takes 2 weeks for the best results to be seen. We always make a review appointment 2 weeks after the treatment, to assess the results. An adjustment may be needed in some instances.

Is a Lip Flip safe?

The substance we use is FDA-approved for use throughout the UK and across the world. It has been used in cosmetic medicine for many years. When used by a qualified professional, the chances of side effects are minimal.

Side effects are rare but may include headaches, slight bruising, and nausea. These effects usually settle over a couple of days.

If you do experience unwanted side effects you should contact us right away for advice.

How long does it last?

For continued effects and long-term anti-ageing results, we recommend treatment every 2-3 months. Results vary depending on individual factors such as smoking, sun exposure, and metabolism.

Who is not suitable for this treatment?

Patients who are pregnant or breastfeeding should not have any injectable treatment. This treatment should not be used in the presence of infection at the injection site. You should also not have treatment if you have a sensitivity to any ingredient in the formula. Patients with neuromuscular disorders have an increased risk of serious side effects.

What will happen if I choose not to continue treatments?

Having these injections does not cause any long-term effects. If you decide to not have the treatment again, your lines and wrinkles will reappear as before.

How long does the procedure take?

Having a Lip Flip treatment can take as little as 15 minutes. The needles used to carry out treatment are very fine, helping to keep discomfort to an absolute minimum. Numbing cream isn’t required. After treatment you can carry on with your normal daily activities.

Is there any post treatment after care?

Avoid rubbing or massaging the area you have had treated and try to keep upright for at least 4 hours after treatment, no lying on your front. We advise avoiding strenuous exercise for 24/48 hours post treatment. Makeup can be applied 24 hours after treatment.

Alcohol is advised against for 24 hours post treatment as this can increase the risk of bruising to the area. Sun exposure and facials should be avoided for the first week after your procedure.

More information

If you have further questions about Lip Flip treatments, or if you would like to book a consultation simply complete our contact form below, or call us on 01302 832 209.

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