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I sweat too much!
Using Botox for underarm sweating

Sweating, perspiring, ‘glowing’ all terms for something us humans do naturally and without it, our bodies would not be able to regulate heat. However, for some of us, excessive sweating can be troubling, embarrassing and even depressing. It can start during puberty (in some cases, even childhood) and in many cases, this tends to ease as we reach adulthood. However, in some instances, excessive sweating (or hyperhidrosis as it is technically referred to) can affect those reaching way beyond adulthood and can really affect the everyday lives of those who experience it. Fortunately, at KL Cosmetic Clinics, we offer a safe, simple and lasting treatment, which involves the use of Botox® injections for the treatment of excessive underarm sweating. It’s quick to administer and the results can last for months. A God send for those for whom, excess sweating holds them back, from living a full and confident life.

In many cases, healthcare professionals may underestimate what people with excessive sweating experience on a daily basis. From having to take multiple daily showers, changing clothing more regularly to feelings of depression and anxiety. It is well documented that hyperhidrosis can have a devastating effect on many aspects of people’s lives. Some reports have found that up to 40% of people suffering with the condition experience physical discomfort, as excessive sweating can range from a mild dampness to obvious and literal dripping. Those who experience sweating too much can have their daily activities, work lives and personal relationships affected and in a study in the USA, approximately 75% of those who experience excess sweating said that their emotional and mental health suffered as a result.

Excessive sweating can be a generic condition, or it can be the result of any number of conditions, from anxiety to hyperthyroidism to prescription medication. Those who have a high muscle percentage may also find that they sweat excessively, so if you’re an athlete or a heavy gym goer but need to wear a lot of formal wear for work, you might notice and experience excessive sweating more than others.

So, how can Botox® help for underarm sweating?

As excess sweating is the result of overactive sweat glands, using Botox® (Botulinum Toxin Type A, a neurotoxin) to block the signals from the nerves to the sweat glands, so that they discontinue secreting excess sweat. A treatment lasts around 10 to 20 minutes and after a few days, you will begin to notice that your underarms are dry, for up to 6 months at a time. It’s a win-win for those whom prescription roll on medication, just isn’t working or suitable (many strong roll-ons can be harmful to the epidermis and burn the skin).

It’s important to know if you are suitable for Botox® injections for excessive sweating, before undergoing the treatment. At KL Cosmetic Clinics in Doncaster, we will ask that you attend a no obligation consultation with one of our medical professionals; to discuss the treatment, the expected results but most importantly, to check your medical history, to ensure there are no medical reasons that you can’t have Botox® for underarm sweating.

If you’re suitable for the treatment and want to go ahead, it’s a pretty straightforward process (when administered by a qualified medic). Your skin will be cleansed and then a special red dye will be applied to your underarms. This will show the areas where treatment is most needed. Your practitioner will then inject small amounts of the Botox® solution in to the skin, around these areas. Once the treatment is complete, you can return to your daily activities, without having to worry about downtime, side-effects or recovery.

You should notice some results after a few days, but as a general rule, we advise to expect to experience the full results after a fortnight. Many of our patients know that every 6 months, it’s time for another Botox® underarm treatment and can plan this in advance, to stay dry, all year round.

Botox® injections aren’t traditionally painful, but you might find that under the arms, they might sting a little. Usually it’s not enough to warrant a pain relieving topical cream, but if you are particularly sensitive, a topical anaesthetic can be applied, 30 minutes before the treatment.

It’s really important to understand that Botox® is a prescribed drug and it’s illegal for any non-medic to perform any type of injectable Botox® treatment, so choosing a fully-qualified medical professional to administer Botox® for excessive sweating under the arms is as important as choosing one for Botox® for the face.

At KL Cosmetic Clinics, we adhere to all GMC and CQC regulations and all of our Botox® practitioners are fully-qualified medical practitioners, so you can be confident that you’re receiving a professional and safe treatment in a clinical environment.

Sweating excessively can be a nightmare. Men and women from 15 to 50 can experience the symptoms of this condition and it is to be taken seriously, as lives can be truly affected every day. We are proud to be able to help our patients who suffer with excessive sweating live happy, normal lives without having to think about the complexities of changing clothing several times a day, or missing out on social events, purely because they sweat too much.

If you would like to speak with one of our understanding and helpful team about excessive sweating, simply call and arrange a no obligation, discreet consultation with one of our Botox® specialists.

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